Impact of Technology

In previous decades the use of technology grow very rapidly. Now without the use of technology life is very bold. It converted into many types like cell phones, automation, machinery, computers and robotics, and many more. Nowadays, our society and technology are related, dependent, and influenced by each other. The impact of technology in our society potentially in both directions of progress or decline for good and bad manners. These days and in the upcoming future era the reduction of physical activities of individuals will increase due to the massive use of technology.

Right now many bad activities are involved in technology to create difficulties for its users. These activities are different kinds like Hacking, atm card theft, phishing, email threat, malware threat, etc. We rely on technology in our daily routines and our automated requirements and demands are continuously increasing.

Technology is also involved in our social and cultural issues;

  • Identity theft: Hackers can get the identity of some other persons for their personal use to involve in some illegal activities.
  • Health and Fitness: Too much use of technology can affect mental and physical health and damage fitness. It lay an impact on our eyes and backbone.
  • Cyberbullying: Through the use of the internet technology to bully, abuse, and criticize the target of some person involved in cyberbullying.
  • Terrorism and crime: Theft of cyberinfrastructure as well as digital software, information, and data also hardware is involved in cybercrimes and terrorism.
  • Communication breakdown: Due to technological messages and social media platforms most communication activities are online. But when some issue is getting into it, it breakdown the whole system.
  • Defamation of character
Impact of Technology

If it has many bad impacts, on the other side it has many positive impacts are also in our daily lives;

  • Improve communication
  • improve education and learning process
  • Machinery in the agricultural system
  • Easy access to information

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