How Powerful is America?

Estimate America’s power by this notion that there isn’t even a single country in the World on whose land or border an American military base or navy is not present. In the whole world, out of America’s land 800, military bases are located. Whereas, the three big powers of the world after America, Russia, France, and Britain. These three have a total of 30 military bases. In this way, we come to know about America’s long and strong arms.

America’s military budget is 611 billion dollars. This defense budget, after America’s Seven big powers, China, Russia, France, Britain, Saudi Arabia, India, and Germany, are even more than their combined defense budget (548.9 billion dollars). In today’s world, the aircraft carrier is considered a very immense military power. Alone America, has 11 aircraft carriers. Whereas, after America, the world’s other big powers Russia (1), China (2), France (1), and Britain (2), all of these do not have more than 2 aircraft carriers.

America’s political influence is also widespread in the world. This is because the United Nations’ most powerful body the security council, America has veto power. The world’s three big organizations, the UN, NATO, and World Bank cannot manage without American aid. That is why these three organizations are under America’s influence. America gives military and economic aid to a big part of the world, according to its needs. Because of this, these countries and their geography remain under its influence.

Even in educational and research areas, America is far ahead of the world. Seventeen of the world’s top universities are in America. Silicon Valley, the place where technology originates, is in the American state of California. This is the place where the world’s brightest minds come to seek knowledge, experience, or money. Or the world’s brightest minds are brought here on profitable packages. Big organizations such as Facebook, Google, Apple, and Microsoft are located in Silicon valley.

In terms of finance, America’s economy, with 18.57 trillion dollars is the largest in the world. China’s number is after America, but the Chinese economy is less than 7 trillion dollars as compared to America. Even in terms of resources, America is so prosperous that the world’s most, and best coal is found on American soil. And America also has the most amount of oil reserves in 10th place.

America makes the world’s most advanced technology and manufactures the most expensive products. That is why America has a first-world profile. Whereas, its counterpart countries Russia and China, have a third-world profile.

America’s power is its successful and historical democracy, which hasn’t been downgraded in two centuries. This is the reason, that with time, America’s constitutions continuously became sovereign and powerful. Hollywood’s propaganda power and the understanding of the English language in the whole world is also America’s strength.

In terms of America’s geography, it is located in the best location in the world. Where the sea of thousands of kilometers at its east and west, acts as a strategic depth for America. In its north, America has the best of the best relations with Canada. Whereas in the south, America’s relations with Mexico are not so bad, that its land would be used against America.

So, in short, America is the world’s only superpower, but to maintain its superpower status America will need to consecutively increase its exports. To increase its exports, America will have to continuously modernize its products. To bring this modernization, would require the world’s brightest minds, and in all of this continuity, even if a tad is left out then America’s superpower status can fall into danger.

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