How Powerful is Canada?

What a great power Canada is.

Canada’s greatest strength is its geography. After Russia, Canada is the largest country in the world. Canada is such a big country that it has two great powers in the south and the north, ice and America. It cannot be attacked from the north because there is only snow. An attack from the south cannot happen because the superpower America is there and Canada has ideal relations with the US.

There is also a defense treaty between Canada and the United States, according to which an attack on either country would be considered an attack on both. And both will defend and respond to this attack together. Canada cannot be attacked from the east because there are thousands of miles of the sea which are well-defended by both countries. An attack from the west cannot occur because there, again in the case of Alaska, the US states serve as strategic depth. 

While Canada’s active army is only thirteen thousand. But in terms of military skills and weapons, Canada is considered to be the 20th most powerful army in the world in the world power ranking. Economically, Canada is the fourteenth largest economy in the world with $1.53 trillion.

Few people know that Canada has the largest oil reserves in the world after Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. In addition, a major strength of the Canadian economy is aerospace technologies. That is, the technologies and machinery used in space exploration and the space station are produced most and best in Canada.

The car industry is also an economic strength of Canada as all major companies have their headquarters and manufacturing units in Canada. which provides another great strength to the Canadian economy. Canada is not a big enough power to invade a country and take over it. But there must be such a great power that if the interests of Canada are harmed anywhere in the world, it can shut down the harming group or country.

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