AI can Design Bacteria-Killing Proteins from Startup

AI can Design Bacteria-Killing Proteins from Startup – And It Worked

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in recent years, revolutionizing various industries. Its latest breakthrough is in the field of medicine, where AI has designed bacteria-killing proteins from scratch – and they work. This development has the potential to change the way we approach the treatment of infectious diseases. The Need for New Bacteria-Killing … Read more

Information Technology

Information Technology

Information Technologies (IT) refers to the usage of computers to acquire, process, store and distribute data. Information technology is used for business objectives rather than for personal or entertainment. Information technologies are the main component of the ICT industry. Information technologies (generally IT systems) are computer systems and communication networks, usually operated by a few groups … Read more

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Can Assist You To Earnings From Crypto Affiliate Programs

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Can Assist You To Earnings From Crypto Affiliate Programs

Cryptocurrency has risen in value several times in the past, and more people are starting to take advantage of the lucrative events of this ever-changing fortune. There are several ways you can benefit from participating in chapter programs on cryptocurrency. Earn non-stop income from blogs, websites, and social media channels by promoting digital currencies like … Read more

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology

Bitcoin and blockchain technology are two apparent inventions, that come out of the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution. It is natural that (IoT) is enabling a new era of digital metamorphosis within the global world. Artificial intelligence is particularly machine literacy. On the other hand, deep literacy is playing a more or less important role … Read more

New Study Highlights Opportunities For Artificial Emotional Intelligence

New Study Highlights Opportunities For Artificial Emotional Intelligence

How will artificial intelligence (AI) affect the future of internal health? An introductory group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is applying emotional AI to improve internal health and overall quality of life. Recently, the Affective Computing Research Group at the MIT Media Lab published a new study that provides empirical evidence that empathic … Read more

Impact of Technology

Impact of Technology

In previous decades the use of technology grow very rapidly. Now without the use of technology life is very bold. It converted into many types like cell phones, automation, machinery, computers and robotics, and many more. Nowadays, our society and technology are related, dependent, and influenced by each other. The impact of technology in our society … Read more